2021 Is Going To Be Epic

Neil Sisson
Published in
7 min readDec 31, 2020


First of all, the formalities: Happy New Year to you and your family, from all of us here at UpBots HQ! 🥂🥂

It is my hope that 2020 didn’t leave too many scars, and that you managed to get a piece of that juicy Bitcoin ATH action before 2020 came to a wheezing virus riddled close.

Today’s article is going to be a little bit different. A little more personal, introspective and probably a bit less whacky….there will still be gifs and memes though ;-)

I would like to share with you why 2021 is going to be a truly epic year for UpBots, as well reflect just a little on the highlights of 2020.

- Lots and amazing milestones were achieved in 2020, including a bunch of our team surviving corona virus
- Already today you can have algo bots trading your capital on Binance for absolutely free. One bot made me 16% ROI just yesterday, completely on autopilot.
- Imagine what it will be like when there are hundreds of bots?
- Algo developers are going to kill it with UpBots
- Manual trades, DEX Swaps coming online in Q1
- UBXT wallet integration for Performance fees
- UBXT Ecosystem comes online
- UBXT Profit Pools
-UBXT tokenomics really kick in
- Surprise BIG announcement you’ll have to scroll to the end to be aware of.


I write this sitting at a vantage point, high up, between the edges 2020 and 2021 and what I can see is very exciting. It’s both energizing, and exhausting!

Looking Back

I look back and see the colossal effort it has taken to climb to this point by everyone here at UpBots HQ. Starting even before 2020 had begun.

When I look back to the start of 2020 I can see Ben pitching the idea of UpBots to investors and funds hoping he could help them see his vision and how awesome it would be if brought to life. He succeeded, secured millions of dollars in equity and private sale funding and the next phase began.

Our UX/UI partners began burning the midnight oil creating the interface through an endless series of collaborative iterations with traders and our COO and CEO. Having a sexy looking, sleek running application was seen to be the cost of entry — essential, not a nice to have.

Our Dev Team was small but they were building the trading engine and a lot of the backend of the UpBots Platform. I’m sure it won’t surprise you to learn that as ambitious a project as UpBots requires a LOT of code.


I see our team coming together mid year to start the preparations for our token sale. We hoped it would be one of the first IEOs on FTX, because Alameda Research had invested in us, they were helping us and because FTX is one of the hottest exchanges operating today.

Our IEO was the 3rd run by FTX, and it was very successful, over subscribing in just 90 seconds after a couple of months of 16 hour days, in 7 day weeks by the whole team.


I see our IT teams working around the clock to complete roadmap milestones and move the project from an idea and a whole lot of code to a functional MVP platform and the foundation for activating features as they are completed, tested and ready for deployment.

I see many team members fall victim to Corona virus all in the same week as we launch our UBXT token on Kucoin. Thankfully all recover quickly and are safe.


And as I look more closely, to today, I see a platform that has algo trading bots live and trading and making me money completely on auto pilot. And not just me…hundreds of others; the smart, future focused early adopters that belong to our community.

NOTE: This is not financial advice, simply an observation of what is happening right now for me personally and what I am seeing

Anyone (including you) can now get completely free algo bot access. The process is simple and you can read all about it here on our gitbook.


I see a crypto trading ecosystem that is primed for success because I can see what the future holds for the platform and why everyone will want to use it. Because I can see not just what is publicly available in the latest platform release but also what has actually been completed but is not yet deployed, I have a deeper understanding of where the project is right now.

Looking Forward

Now here is why I am so excited when I look forward into just the first quarter of 2021. Actually it gets even more exciting when you look farther out into the rest of 2021 and beyond, but that’s for another day!

(For the facts you can check out our roadmap here: coming in Q1 of 2021. This article is just my opinions and where I see things going based on what I know).

UpBots, still in demo mvp status, yesterday made me a 16% ROI on a single trade. The only thing I did to earn that profit, is a little bit of set up work and putting some USDT into my Binance account.

(As an alternative, I could have put that money in a savings account at my bank and waited 16 years to get the same ROI — #justsayin)

It is VERY exciting to think about what will be possible by the end of Q1 when the team have rolled out many more features making it more fully featured.

And yes of course the trading bot will lose some trades as well, it’s a trading bot, and no aspect of it’s strategy is informed by a crystal ball that sees into the future. However the trading bot has a great track record of success and I’m quite certain is a better trader than I am. Also it’s just one of three bots currently available.

In the future I see users clicking into the UpBots marketplace algo rental area and being met by the largest selection of trading bots available for users to choose from anywhere in the world.

All free to activate and trade with paying fees only when the bot is successful and only a percentage of their win.

And even then, only after the introduction of the UpBots platform UBXT Wallets. Before that access will be completely free.

The next really exciting thing I see happening is the HUGE significance of the UBXT Wallets going live and enabling UBXT Performance Fees.

This will put the tokenomics of the UBXT token into overdrive. UBXT Performance Fees will be paid to algo dev’s and to the UBXT Profit Pool for holders of UBXT.

I see the value of the UBXT token rising as the mechanics of the UBXT token take hold and the carefully designed tokenomics come into effect. UBXT has strong utility and was designed to reward everyone using the UpBots ecosystem.
*(Not financial advice, just my opinion.)

After that, I see algo developers recognizing the incredible income opportunity they can create by sharing their algo trading bots with the UpBots community and applying for Master Trader status.

UpBots has been designed so that every time a community member wins, the Master Trader who developed the algo also win. Now who doesn’t love a good win:win situation?!

community meme!

I see users being able to manually trade or swap their crypto depending on where they can get the best deal (dex ag, paraswap, 1inch, or any of their connected CEX accounts) all from the comfort of their UpBots dashboard.

I see the confusing and distributed decentralized wallet data suddenly become HD and crystal clear with enhanced data from Covalent.

I see users being able to create incredibly advanced trades with multiple entries, trailing stops, and trades set up to automatically dollar cost average into a bigger position, or gradually take profit over multiple exits to reduce a position size profitably.

I see users so happy with the profits their bots are making, they decide they want to learn (through the courses marketplace) more about how to trade profitably to see if they can optimize their strategy or perhaps even create and rent their own algos to the community for their share of everyone’s success.


Oh and one last thing I see happening before the end of Q1 2021

We’ve always placed a HUGE value on the contributions from our community. We’ve said you have a voice, we’ve asked you for your feedback and we’ve listened when you spoke.

But we’re going to go even farther in 2021. It won’t be a case of you just having a voice in how UpBots develops and evolves in 2021…you’ll also be able to have a VOTE!

We are going to be transforming into a DAO.

Got questions about the DAO or anything else? Come join us on Telegram or Discord, or leave your comments below.

In the meantime Happy New Year to you and your family and I really hope you’ll join us on this exciting journey in 2021. 🥂🥂



Neil Sisson

Former CMO of UpBots.com. Crypto Advocate. Coffee Addict. Carpe’ing my diem on the daily.